FOB Paliwoda
Luke 21:25-36
Luke 21:5-7 By what sign will we see the destruction of the Temple?
21:8-9 Many will be deceived by false signs.
21:10-19 Nation will rise against nation, believers will be persecuted.
21:20-24 Jerusalem destroyed, v22 “For these are the days of vengeance.”
21:25-28 Signs in heaven and on earth, men’s hearts will fail because of the fearful expectation of things to come. They will fear the Son of Man, but you need to be hopeful.
21:29-33 Look for the signs, in my Words
21:34-36 Be ready, watch and pray
I. Introduction
- A. The meaning of Advent: a season of looking forward and looking back. The time was similar to when Christ came to Jerusalem. The people were looking for a Messiah to rescue them from the persecution of the Romans.
B. For Christians it should be a season of hope, but so often, especially for deployed soldiers, it is a season of fear.
C. What is fear? Not knowing but expecting the future to hold the worst possible outcome. Illustration: my fear, talking with soldiers before they rolled out (SGT Townsend, SGT Machske).
D. But should we be fearful? What is Scripture instructing us?
II. Gather Intelligence....From the Right Sources
- A. What should be the source of our intelligence? TV shows, newspapers, our own speculation? Illustration: the Battle at Little Bighorn and bad intelligence.
B. Christ gives us good intelligence, perfect intelligence.
- 1. v25-27: bad things are going to happen, the earth and men’s hearts will be in turmoil
2. v28: be not afraid, be hopeful, lift your heads, redemption is near
3. v29-33: you can see the signs of a fig tree; look for the signs in my words.
a. Does Jesus ever break a promise?
4. v34-36: Be ready, for the day will come here unexpectedly. Watch and pray.
C. Illustration: “Busy-ness in a profession can be a way to avoid God, the meaning of life, and life itself.”[1]
- 1. We can get so busy-with work, with family, with church, with entertainment-that we forget to have that watchful relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. Jesus was not trying to mislead, he was trying to get us to examine our hearts. It is easy to want rules, explanations, and instructions. But is this really a relationship. If you really love someone, you almost begin to think like them.
III. Prep the Battlefield...of Our Hearts and Minds
- A. Be Ready: prayer, study, associating with other believers.
- 1. Illustration: LT Dick Winters, as portrayed in Band of Brothers, did ordinary things in an extraordinary fashion.
2. Be extraordinary in the ordinary things.
B. Be Looking: not in fear but with hopeful expectation.
- 1. Is there a conspiracy to hide the truth to us? Have we ascribed to the devil too much power?
2. Worry comes from old Anglo-Saxon word meaning to strangle or to choke. Should we worry about something we have prepared for? Illustration: being fearful of
the APFT because we have not trained for it.
C. Be Willing: to witness. To cure the blind so that they might see. Illustration: do we ever leave a man behind on the battlefield?
IV. Looking Toward Christmas...and the Crucifixion
- A. Did not the earth tremble and men’s hearts fail when He died?
B. Did we not look upon Him with hope? Illustration: crosses are hung up high for us to see.
C. The gifts for a king: Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. Gold for earthly wealth and power, Frankincense for worship, Myrrh for embalming.
V. Conclusion: Faith, Hope, & Love
- A. Illustration:
It is said that Satan once called to him the emissaries of hell and said he wanted to send one of them to earth to aid women and men in the ruination of their souls. He asked which one would want to go.
One creature came forward and said, "I will go."
Satan said, "If I send you, what will you tell the children of men?"
He said, "I will tell the children of men that there is no heaven."
Satan said, "They will not believe you, for there is a bit of heaven in every human heart. In the end everyone knows that right and good must have the victory. You may not go."
Then another came forward, darker and fouler than the first.
Satan said, "If I send you, what will you tell the children of men?"
He said, "I will tell them there is no hell."
Satan looked at him and said, "Oh, no; they will not believe you, for in every human heart there's a thing called conscience, an inner voice which testifies to the truth that not only will good be triumphant, but that evil will be defeated. You may not go."
Then one last creature came forward, this one from the darkest place of all. Satan said to him, "And if I send you, what will you say to women and men to aid them in the destruction of their souls?"
He said, "I will tell them there is no hurry."
Satan said, "Go!"[2]
B. 1 Corinthians 13:8-13: A Christian’s Battle Cry
- 1. Faith that God will give us what we need, will teach us what we need to know, and will give us the strength to face any challenge or task.
2. Hope in the present and in the future. We know our destination, we have map, we have directions to get there, and we are commanded to have joy in the journey.
3. Love of Christ and love for our brothers and sisters will guarantee that we will never pass up an opportunity to give or receive directions, that we will never leave thevspiritually wounded behind, and that it more important to help the lost find our destination than it is for us.
[1] Sidney S. Macaulay, quoted in CMDS Journal (Spring 1992), Christianity Today, Vol. 36, no. 9.
[2]Bruce Thielemann, "Tide Riding," Preaching Today, No. 30; submitted by Kevin A. Miller, Wheaton, Illinois.
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